by Admin | Jul 15, 2019 | Our Blog Post
When Dr. Sanjay Merchant cemented your bridge in place, it was intended to restore a missing tooth for a long time to come. However, it is possible for a blow to the face or other oral accident to actually chip or potentially damage part of a bridge. If any part of...
by Admin | Jun 10, 2019 | Our Blog Post
Have you ever heard of porcelain dental veneers? As you may know, these porcelain shells are bonded to your front teeth to give you a healthy, attractive smile. In fact, dental veneers can be used to correct crooked teeth, to whiten your smile, or to close small gaps...
by Admin | May 16, 2019 | Our Blog Post
Teeth that have been compromised by progressive tooth decay and periodontal disease can negatively impact your quality of life. Even though they can seriously impair your ability to chew food, they can also cause problems with your speech and can lead to oral...
by Admin | Apr 9, 2019 | Our Blog Post
How often do you have to deal with bad breath? As you know, having bad breath—regardless of how often you have to—can be an embarrassing experience. However, did you know that bad breath is typically caused by bacteria or by food particles in your mouth? While...
by Admin | Mar 14, 2019 | Our Blog Post
For over two decades, dental implants have been used to effectively restore a lost tooth. Your dentist, Dr. Sanjay Merchant, will start the treatment by inspecting your mouth and taking a few X-rays to make sure you have sufficient bone structure to mount a dental...
by Admin | Feb 16, 2019 | Our Blog Post
Oral care is very important if you’re interested in protecting your oral—or overall—health. Unfortunately, there are many dental myths that are widely accepted by the general public, which could lead to complications. To help you avoid some of these issues, our team...