If you’re going over all of your options to find the perfect restorative solution to rejuvenate your smile and reclaim your confidence, you have no doubt heard of dental implants. These remarkable innovations in dentistry offer a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. For greater insight to help your decision, this guide will go over the anatomy of a dental implant and what they’re made of to help you understand why it could be the best choice for you. Read until the end for a recommendation on dental implant specialists that service Fontana and the surrounding area.

The Layers That Make Up Dental Implants

At the heart of a dental implant lies the implant fixture, also known as the artificial tooth root. Crafted from biocompatible materials like titanium, the “root” is surgically placed into the jawbone where it seamlessly integrates with the surrounding bone through a process called osseointegration. This is arguably the most important part of a dental implant as it provides stability for up to a lifetime with proper care.

Located just above the gum line is the abutment that serves as the connector between the implant fixture and the dental crown. Typically made from the same resilient materials as the fixture below it, the abutment provides a sturdy platform for attaching the crown, ensuring a seamless fit and flawless appearance.

The dental crown is custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth for a natural-looking smile. Whether you opt for a single crown to replace a solitary tooth or a bridge to span multiple gaps, your artificial tooth is carefully designed to restore both form and function to your smile.

What Materials Are Used For Dental Implants?

Renowned for its exceptional strength, durability, and biocompatibility, titanium reigns supreme as the material of choice to serve as the implant post. Its ability to effectively fuse with bone tissue during osseointegration ensures a solid foundation for your new tooth, while its corrosion resistance guarantees longevity and reliability.

For those seeking a metal-free alternative, porcelain implant posts are also a choice. With its tooth-like appearance, biocompatibility, and remarkable strength, porcelain implants offer a natural and aesthetic solution for tooth replacement. However, you may not receive the same level of durability or longevity as a titanium post.

A Step-By-Step Guide on Dental Implant Procedures

Should you choose to move forward with a dental implant, it’s best to know what to expect to avoid any surprises when the time comes. Here is the rundown of a typical dental implant procedure:

  1. Initial Consultation Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with your dentist, where your oral health, medical history, and treatment goals are carefully assessed. This serves as a foundation for developing a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.
  2. Implant Placement The next step involves the surgical placement of the implant fixture into your jawbone. Under the skilled hands of your dental surgeon and aided by advanced imaging technology, the implant is precisely positioned to promote stability and successful osseointegration.
  3. Healing and Osseointegration Following implant placement, the implant will require time to infuse with the surrounding bone through osseointegration. This is a crucial phase that can take several months, but it lays the groundwork for a strong and durable foundation for your new tooth.
  4. Abutment Placement Once osseointegration is complete and the implant fixture is firmly anchored in place, the abutment can then be attached to the implant post. This minor procedure prepares the implant for the final step in the restoration process.
  5. Prosthetic Attachment With meticulous attention to detail, your dentist will place the dental crown for a seamless fit and natural aesthetics, leaving you with a radiant smile that feels and functions just like the real thing.

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

The journey to getting a dental implant isn’t something that happens in a day, and in that case, is it really worth the wait? Dental implants offer a great list of priceless benefits for you to enjoy for years to come:

  • Dental implants mimic the look and feel of natural teeth for a smile that looks completely authentic.
  • With proper care and maintenance, dental implants offer a permanent solution that can last a literal lifetime.
  • Dental implants preserve the integrity of adjacent teeth and prevent bone loss in the jaw, promoting long-term oral health and stability.
  • Dental implants restore full chewing function and speech clarity, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and communicate without holding back.
  • With dental implants, you can bid farewell to self-consciousness and embrace a newfound confidence that radiates from within!

Bottom Line

Dental implants represent a beacon of hope for those seeking a permanent and life-changing solution for missing teeth. With their remarkable durability, natural aesthetics, and transformative impact on oral health and self-confidence, this restorative dental procedure has the potential to grant you a brighter, more radiant smile that’s truly worth celebrating. The key is finding the most qualified dental implant specialists for the job, and we happen to know the best dental office to turn to in Fontana.

Experience Long-Lasting Dental Implants at Southridge Dental Group!

Revitalize your smile with dental implant solutions at Southridge Dental Group! Whether you need dental implants or any other restorative dental treatment, our expert team is committed to delivering exceptional care and personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. With decades of helping the people of Fontana and the surrounding communities, you can count on us to guide you every step of the way! Call us today at 909-822-9090 to get started with a free consultation. Not sure if you can afford dental implants? We gladly accept all PPO insurance for your convenience!